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Friday, 26 June 2015

Description writing , Compostition and Creative writing

Description writing and Creating writing

Description and creative writing have become a part of student's curriculum. They have it in English and in the mother tongue as well. Here are some tips that I give my tuition students. These were formed with the help of notes, internet and experience.

The different forms of creative writing

  • Autobiography/Memoir
  • Bibliography
  • Collaborative writing
  • Creative non-fiction (Personal & Journalistic Essays)
  • Epic
  • Flash fiction
  • Novel
  • Play writing/ Dramatic writing
  • Poetry
  • Screenwriting
  • Short story
  • Songwriting
  • Stream of consciousness (narrative mode)


Creative writing and Essays are different though we can make Essays creative.
The fictional writings, such as fantasy, science-fiction, drama, and horror all are categorized under creative writing whereas essays, reports, and letters come under the non-creative writing. An essay or a letter can also be creative depending on the way you write.

Points to be checked for Descriptive writing

·         Check the capital letters at the start of each sentence and full stops at the  end

·         Usage of adjectives, similes, idioms,  proverbs.

·         Check if there is a proper beginning, middle and end?

·         Avoid repetition of same beginnings.

·        Avoid very long sentences . Use conjunctions and connectives

.    Wide And appropriate use of vocabulary.

·         Is it all in the same ‘person’? (Which one?) e.g first, second or third person.

·         Are the paragraphs formed at necessary junctions



Ideas – Children can look for ideas by talking to people around them. But make sure you jot down the ideas as you get them so that you don’t forget it when needed later.

Settings - Settings are where the actual story takes place which can be their home, neighborhood, School or any place. Description of the setting is needed. 

 Is a sunny or windy day, what was the time of the day, Where are the characters

Characters – All stories have more than one character unlike description writings. Select a main character for the story. Name it and the other characters associated with it. Describe the characters.

Who were the characters, why were the characters there, what were the characters doing before the scene, what was the relationship between the characters?

Dialogue – The observation of our surrounding helps us a lot in writing dialogues. In fact, you can practice the written dialogues among yourselves and check if its’ interesting. Phrases and clauses are the building blocks of a sentence. Usage of phrases, adjectives, clauses makes it more interesting.

Narration - You can explain to the children that narration is the narrator telling the story. The narrator can be in first person or third person point of view.

Plot - The plot is the structure of the story which keeps the reader go through the story with interest. Without any plot, descriptions alone won’t help. Develop the plot so readers will continue reading to the last page. Write the first paragraph of the story. The first line and paragraph should be captivating enough.

What happened to them, why did this incident happen, Are they affected, how does the story end

First draft – Always write the rough draft first. Go through the draft, make necessary grammatical corrections, sentence structuring etc. Evaluate your writing yourself, make the necessary changes and then re-write a fresh copy. 


• Answer all “WH” and “H” questions
• Check the time sequence of the story
• Pick the most appropriate introduction
• Include direct speeches
• Make use of five senses
• Use the correct tenses
• Check your punctuation
• Use similes, idioms, adjectives, proverbs
• avoid repetition of words
• Ideas that is ample, relevant, and fully developed.
• Almost no errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation.
• Wide And appropriate use of vocabulary.
• Good paragraphing and content.


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